For Momma
Dove’s distant coo at evening’s sunset
brings melancholy memories of moments
when we frolicked through forests,
traversed fallen trees uniting hollows,
and lit the adjacent pasture afire
without intention.
At every adventurous day’s end,
you prepared the table, ran baths,
knelt in prayer with folded hands at bedside,
and soundly tucked each of us in
with a good night kiss
and an I love you.
Growing, we watched your ways,
mirrored your generosity,
and led our children
down their own adventurous paths.
And each evening we find ourselves
kneeling in prayer with praise
for this thing we call family:
a mother whose prayers move mountains,
a warrior standing firmly
against the powers of darkness
for her family.
And we are always thankful,
ever grateful,
for having been born
into this world
under your care,
into your arms,
full of your love.
© 2019